# 官网四级
# check-A-264/266
a abandon able aboard abolish about above abroad absent absolute absorb abstract abundant abuse academy accelerate accent accept access accident accommodate accompany accomplish accord accordance according accordingly account accountable accumulate accurate accuse accustom ace ache achieve acid acknowledge acquaint acquire acre across act active actor actual acute adapt add addict address adequate adjective adjust administer admire admit adopt adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advice advise advocate aerial affair affect affection affluent afford afraid after afternoon afterward again against age agenda agent aggressive ago agree agriculture ahead aid AIDS aim air aircraft airline airplane airport aisle alarm album alcohol alert algebra alike alive all allege alley allow allowance ally almost alone along alongside aloud alphabet already also alter alternative although altitude altogether aluminum always am amateur amaze ambassador ambition ambulance amid among amount ample amuse analyze ancestor anchor ancient and anew angel angle angry animal ankle anniversary announce annoy annual another answer ant anticipate antique anxious any anybody anyhow anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apology app apparatus apparent appeal appear appetite applaud apple appliance apply appoint appreciate approach appropriate approve approximate April aptitude arbitrary architect architecture area argue arise arithmetic arm army around arouse arrange arrest arrive arrow art ★artery article artificial as ash ashamed ashore aside ask asleep aspect ass assemble assess asset assign assist associate assume assure astonish astronaut astronomy at athlete atmosphere atom atop attach attack attain attempt attend attention attic attitude attorney attract attribute audience audio auditorium August aunt authentic author authority authorize auto automate autumn available avenue average aviation avoid await awake award aware away awe awesome awful awkward ax axis
# check-b - 264/264
baby babyboom bachelor back background backup backward backyard bacon bacteria bad badge badly badminton bag baggage bail bait bake balance balcony ball ballet balloon ballot bamboo ban banana band bandage bang bank banknote bankrupt banner banquet bar barbecue barber bare bargain bark barrel barrier base baseball basement basic basin basis basket basketball bat batch bath bathe bathroom battalion battery battle bay be beach beam bean bear beard bearing beast beat beauty because become bed bee beef beer before beforehand beg begin behalf behave behind being belief believe bell belly belong beloved below belt bench bend beneath benefit berry beside besides best bet betray better between beverage beyond bias Bible bicycle bid big bill bilion bin bind biochemistry biography biology biotechnology bird birth birthday biscuit bit bitch bite bitter black blackboard blade blame blank blanket blast bleed blend bless blind block blog blood bloom blossom blouse blow blue blueprint blur board boast boat body boil bold bolt bomb bond bone bonus book boom boost boot booth border bore born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom bounce bound boundary bow bowel bowl box boxing boy bracket brag brain brake branch brand brandy brass brave bread break breakdown breakfast breakthrough breast breath breathe breed breeze bribe brick bride bridegroom bridge brief briefcase bright briliant bring broad broadcast brochure broke broker broom brother brow brown browse brunch brush brutal bubble buck bucket buckle bud buddy budget buffet bug build bulb bulk bull bullet bulletin bully bump bumper bunch bundle burden bureau burn burst bury bus bush business businessman busy but butcher butter butterfly button buy by bypass bystander
# check-c 424/425-
cab cabbage cabin cabinet cable cafe cafeteria cage cake calculate calendar calf call calling calm calorie camel camera camp campaign campus can canal cancel cancer candidate candle candy cane canteen cap capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card cardboard care career cargo carpenter carpet carriage carrier carrot carry cart cartoon case cash cashier cast castle casual cat catalog catch category cater cattle cause caution cave cease ceiling celebrate cell cellar cell Celsius cement cent center centigrade centimeter century cereal ceremony certain certificate chain chair chairman chalk challenge champagne champion chance change channel chaos chapter character charge charity charm chart charter chase chat cheap cheat check cheer cheese chef chemistry cherish chess chest chew chicken chief child chil chimney chin china chip chocolate choice choke cholesterol choose chop chopstick chore chorus Christ church cigar cigaret cinema circle circuit circulate circumstance circus cite citizen city civil civilian claim clap clarity clash class classic classify classmate classroom clause claw clay clean clea clerk clever click client cliff climate climax climb cling clinic clip clock clockwise clone close cloth clothe clothes cloud clown club clue clumsy coach coal coarse coast coat cock code coffee coherent cohesion coil coin cold collaborate collapse collar colleague collect collective college colon colony color column comb combat combine come comedy comfort comma command commence comment commerce commission commit committee commodity common commonplace communicate commune community commute compact companion company compare compass compatible compel compensate compete competent complain complete complex complicate comply component compose compound comprehend comprehensive comprise compromise compulsory compute comrade conceal concentrate concept concern concert conclude concrete condemn condense condition conduct conference confess confidence confine confirm conflict conform confront Confucian confuse congratulate congress conjunction connect conquer conscience conscientious conscious consensus consent consequence conservative consider considerable considerate consist consistent consolidate consolidation constant constitute constitution construct consult consume contact contain contaminate contemporary contempt contend content contest context continent continue contract contradict contrary contrast contribute control controversy convenient convention converse convert convey convince cook cookie cool cooperate coordinate cop cope copper copy copyright cord core corn corner cornerstone corporation corps correct correspond corridor corrupt cosmos cost costume cottage cotton couch cough could council counsel count countdown counter counterpart country countryside county couple coupon courage course court courtyard cousin cover cow coward cowboy crab crack cracker craft crane crash crawl crazy cream create creature credit creep crew crime crisis criterion criticize crocodile crop cross crowd crown crucial cruel cruise crush cry crystal cube cucumber cue cultivate culture cup cupboard curb cure curious curl currency current curriculum curse curtain curve cushion custom customer customs cut cute cyberspace cycle
# check-d-/1-uncheck
dad daily dairy dam damage damn damp dance danger dare dark darling dash data database date daughter dawn day daylight dead deadline deadly deaf deal dean dear death debate debt decade decay deceive December decent decide deck declare decline decorate decrease deed deem deep deer defeat defect defend deficient deficit define definite defy degree delay delegate delete deliberate delicate delicious delight deliver demand democracy demonstrate dense dent dental dentist deny depart department depend deposit depress deprive depth deputy derive descend describe desert deserve design desire desk desktop despair despatch despite dessert destination destroy detail detect deteriorate determine develop device devil devise devote dew diabetes diagnose diagram dial dialect dialog diameter diamond diary dictate dictionary die diet differ difficult dig digest digit dignity dilemma diligent dim dime dimension dine dinner dioxide dip diploma diplomat direct dirt disable disagree disappear disappoint disapprove disaster discard discharge discipline disco discount discourage discover discriminate discuss disease disguise disgust dish disintegrate disk dislike dismiss disorder display dispose dispute disrupt dissolve distance distinct distinguish distract distress distribute district disturb ditch dive diverse divide divorce dizzy do dock doctor document dog doll dollar dolphin domestic dominate donate donkey doom door dormitory dose dot double doubt dove down download downstairs downtown downward dozen draft drag dragon drain drama drastic draw drawer dream dress drift drill drink drip drive drop dropout drought drown drug drum drunk dry dual duck due dull dumb dump durable duration during dusk dust duty dye dynamic dynasty
# check-e
each eager eagle ear early earn earnest earth earthquake ease east easy eat echo ecology economics economy edge edit editorial educate effect efficient effort egg eggplant eight eighteen eighth eighty either elbow elder elect electricity electron elegant element elementary elephant elevate eleven eliminate elite else elsewhere email embarrass embassy embrace emerge emergency emit emotion emperor emphasis empire employ empty enable encounter encourage end endanger endure enemy energy enforce engage engine engineer enhance enjoy enlarge enlighten enormous enough enquire enrich enroll ensure enter enterprise entertain enthusiasm entire entitle entrepreneur envelope environment envy episode equal equip equivalent era erase err escape especially essay essence establish estate estimate eternal ethic ethnic euro evaluate eve even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evident evil evolve exact exaggerate examine example exceed excel excellent except exception excess exchange excite exclaim exclude excursion excuse execute exercise exert exhaust exhibit exile exist exit expand expect expel expend expense experience experiment expert expertise explain explicit explode exploit explore export expose express expressway extend extent exterior external extinguish extra extraordinary extreme eye eyebrow eyesight
# check-f
fable fabric face facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail faint fair fairy faith fake fall false fame familiar family famine fan fancy fantasy far fare farewell farm farther fascinate fashion fast fasten fat fatal fate father fatigue fault favour fax fear feasible feather feature February federal federation fee feed feedback feel fellow female fence ferry fertile festival fetch fever few fiber fiction field fierce fifteen fifth fifty fight figure file fill film filter final finance find fine finger fingerprint finish fire fireman fireplace fireworks firm first fish fist fit five fix flag flame flash flat flavour flaw flee fleet flesh flexible float flock flood floor flour flourish flow flower fluctuate fluent fluid fly focus fog fold folk follow fond food fool foot football footprint for forbid force forecast forehead foreign foremost foresee foresight forest forever forge forget forgive fork form formal format former formula formulate forth forthcoming fortune forty forum forward fossil found foundation fountain four fourteen fox fraction fragment frame framework frank free freeway freeze freight frequent fresh freshman Friday friend fright frog from front frontier frost fruit frustrate fry fuck fuel fulfil full fun function fund fundamental funeral fur furnace furnish furniture further furthermore fuss future
# check-g-116
gadget gain gallery gallon gamble game gang gaol gap garage garbage garden garment gas gasoline gate gather gay gaze gear gender gene general generate generation generous genius gentle gentleman genuine geography geology geometry germ gesture get ghost giant gift girl give given glad glance glass glimpse globe gloom glory glove glow glue go goal goat god gold golf good goodbye goodness goods goose gorgeous gossip govern gown grab grace grade gradual graduate grain gram grammar grand grandchild grandparent grant grape graph grasp grass grateful gratitude grave gravitation gravity gray great green greenhouse greet grief grin grind grip grocer gross ground group grow guarantee guard guess guest guide guideline guilt guitar gulf gum gun gut guy gym
# check-h-143
habit habitat hack hail hair half halfway hall halt ham hamburger hammer hand handbook handicap handle handsome handwriting handy hang happen happy harbor hard hardly hardship hardware harm harmony harness harsh harvest haste hat hatch hate haul haunt have hay hazard haze he head headache heading headline headmaster headquarters heal health heap hear heart heartfelt heat heaven heavy hectare hedge heel height heir helicopter hell hello help hen hence her herd here hereby heritage hero hers herself hesitate hi hide highlight high highway hijack hill him himself hinder hint hip hire his history hit hobby hold hole holiday hollow holy home homeland homework homosexual honest honey honeymoon honor hook hope horizon horn horror horse horsepower hospital hospitable host hostile hot hotdog hotel hour house household housewife housework how however hug huge human humble humor hundred hunger hunt hurry hurt husband hut hydrogen hyphen
# check-i-147/148-
ice idea ideal identify identity idiom idle if ignorant ignore ill illegal illusion illustrate image imagine imitate immediate immense immigrate immune impact impatient imperial implement implicit imply import important impose impossible impress improve impulse in incentive inch incidence incident incline include income increase incredible indeed independent index indicate indifferent indispensable individual indoor induce industry inevitable infant infect infer inferior infinite inflate influence influenza inform infrastructure ingredient inhabit inherit initial initiate injure ink inland inn inner innocent innovate input inquire insane insect insert inside insight insist inspect inspire install instalment instance instant instead instinct institute institution instruct instrument insult insure intact intake intangible integrate integrity intellectual intelligent intend intense intensive interact interest interfere interior intermediate internal international Internet interpret interrupt interval interview intimate into introduce intrude invade invalid invaluable invariably invent invest investigate invisible invite involve inward iron irony irrational irregular irrigate island isolate issue it item its itself
# check-j
jacket jail jam January jar jaw jazz jealous jeans jeep jet jetlag jewel job jog join joint joke journal journalism journey joy judge juice July jump June jungle junior junk jury just justice justify
# check-k-27
keen keep kettle key keyboard kick kid kill kilogram kilometer kin kind kindergarten king kingdom kiss kit kitchen kite knee kneel knife knit knock knot know knowhow
# check-l-132
label labor laboratory lace lack ladder lady lag lake lamb lame lamp land landlord landscape lane language lap laptop large laser lass last late lately latter laugh launch laundry lavatory law lawn lawyer lay layer layoff layout lazy lead leaf league leak lean leap learn lease least leather leave lecture left leg legal legend legislate leisure lemon lend lens less lesson lest let letter level liable liberal liberate liberty library license lick lid lie life lift light lightning like likewise lily limb limit line link lion lip liquid liquor list listen liter literal literary litter little live livelihood lively liver living load loaf loan lobby local locate lock lodge log logic logo lonely long look loophole loose lord lorry lose lot loud love low loyal luck luggage lump lunar lunch lung luxury
# check-m
machine mad madam magazine magic magnet magnificent maid maiden mail main mainland mainstream maintain major make makeup male mal mammal man manage manipulate mankind manner manual manufacture many map marathon March march margin marine mark market marry marsh marshal marvel Marxism mask mass massage master masterpiece mat match mate material math matter mature maximum May may maybe mayor me meal mean meantime meanwhile measure meat mechanic mechanize medal medical Medicare medicine medium meet meeting melon melt member memorandum memorial memory mend mental mention menu merchant mercy mere merit merry mess message metal meter method metro microphone microscope microwave midday middle midnight might migrate mild mile mileage military milk mil milimeter milion mind mine minimum minister minor minus minute miracle mirror miserable misfortune mislead miss missile missing mission mist mistake mister mistress misunderstand mix mobile mode model moderate modern modest modify moist mold mom moment Monday money monitor monkey monster month monument mood moon mop moral more moreover morning mortgage most motel mother motion motivate motive motor motorway mount mountain mouse mouth move movie much mud mug mule multiple municipal murder muscle museum mushroom music must mutual my myself mystery myth
# check-n
nail naked name namely nap napkin narrate narrow nasty nation native nature naughty navy near nearby neat necessary necessity neck necklace need needle negate neglect negotiate neighbor neither nephew nerve nest net network neutral never nevertheless new news newspaper next nice nickel niece night nightmare nine nineteen ninety ninth no noble nobody nod noise none nonsense noodle noon nor norm normal north northeast northwest nose not note notebook nothing notice notify notion noun nourish novel November now nowadays nowhere nuclear nude nuisance number numerous nurse nursery nut nutrition
# check-o-导入112/113
obese obey object objective oblige observe obstacle obtain obvious occasion occupation occupy occur ocean October odd odds odor of off offend offer office officer official often oil okay old Olympic omit on once one oneself ongoing onion online only onto onward open opera operate opinion opportunity oppose opposite opt optimism or oral orange orbit orchestra order ordinary ore organ organic organism organize orient origin ornament orphan other otherwise ought ounce our ours ourselves out outbreak outcome outdated outdoor outer outgoing outing outlet outline outlook output outset outside outsider outskirts outstanding outward oval oven over overall overcoat overcome overdue overhead overhear overlook overnight overseas oversee oversight overtake overthrow overtime overwhelm owe own ox oxygen ozone
# check-p-导入293/294
pace pack package packet pad paddy page pain paint pair palace pale palm pan panda panel panic pants paper paperback parade paradox paragraph parallel parcel pardon parent park parliament part participate particle particular partly partner party pass passage passenger passion passive passport password past paste pastime pat patch patent path patient pattern pause pave paw pay payroll pea peace peach peak peanut pear pearl peasant peculiar pedestrian peer pen penalty pencil penetrate penny pension people pepper per perceive percent perfect perform perhaps peril period permanent permit persevere persist person personnel perspective persuade pessimism pet petrol petroleum petty phase phenomenon philosophy photo phrase physical physician physics piano pick picnic picture pie piece pierce pig pigeon pile pill pillar pillow pilot pin pinch pine pink pint pioneer pipe pirate pistol pit pitch pity pizza place plague plain plan plane planet plant plastic plate platform play playground please pledge plenty plot plough plug plunge plural plus pocket podcast poem poet point poison pole police policy polish polite politics poll pollute pond pool poor pop popular population pork port portion pose position positive possess possible post postcard poster postpone pot potato potential pound pour powder power practise practical praise pray preach precaution precious precise predict preface prefer pregnant prejudice preliminary premier prepare preposition prescribe present president press pretend pretty prevail prevent preview previous price pride priest primary prime primitive prince principal principle print prior prison private privilege prize probable problem procedure proceed process procession proclaim produce product profession professor proficient profit profound program progress prohibit project prominent promise promote prompt pronoun pronounce proof proper property proportion propose prose prospect protect protein protest prove proverb provide provided province provoke psychology pub public publish pul pulse pump punch punctual punish pupil purchase pure purple purpose purse pursue push put puzzle
# check-q-导入17
quake qualify quality quantify quantity quarrel quarter queen question queue quick quiet quit quite quiz quota quote
# check-r-导入200
rabbit race rack radar radical radio rag rage raid rail railway rain rainbow raincoat raise rally range rank rapid rare rat rate rather ratio rational raw ray reach react read ready real realistic realize realm reap rear reason rebel recall receive recent reception recession recite reckon recognize recommend record recover recreation recruit recycle red reduce refer refine reflect reform refrain refresh refreshment refrigerator refuse regard regarding regardless region register regret regular regulate reinforce reject relate relative relax relay release relevant relieve religion reluctant rely remain remark remedy remember remind remote remove render renew renovate rent repair repay repeat replace reply report represent reproduce republic reputation request require rescue research resemble resent reserve reside resign resist resolve resort resource respect respective respond responsible rest restaurant restore restrain restrict result resume retail retain retell retire retreat return reunite reveal revenue reverse review revise revolution revolve reward rhythm rib ribbon rice rich rid riddle ride ridicule rifle right ring riot rip ripe rise risk rival rivalry river road roar roast rob robot rock rocket rod role roll romance roof room root rope rose rosy rough round rouse route routine row royal rub rubber rubbish rude rug ruin rule rumor run runway rural rush
# check-s-导入452
sack sacrifice sad safe sail saint sake salad salary sale salesman salt same sample sand sandwich satelite satisfy Saturday sauce sausage save say scale scan scandal scar scarce scare scatter scene scent schedule scheme scholar school science scissors scold scope score scout scratch scream screen screw script sea seal search season seat second secondary second-hand secret secretary section sector secure see seed seek seem segment seize seldom select self sell semester seminar senate send senior sense sensitive sentence separate September sequence series serious servant serve session set setback setting settle seven seventeen seventy several severe sew sex shade shadow shake shall shallow shame shape share sharp shave shaver she shed sheep sheer sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shirt shit shiver shock shoe shoot shop shore short shortcoming shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shrimp shrink shrug shut shuttle shy sick side sideways siege sigh sight sightseeing sign signal significant silent silicon silk silver similar simple sin since sincere sing single singular sink sip sir sister sit site situation situate six sixteen sixty size skate skeleton sketch ski skill skin skip skirt sky skyline skyscraper slap slave sleep sleeve slender slice slide slight slim slip slogan slope slow small smart smartphone smash smell smile smog smoke smooth snack snake snow so soak soap soar so-called soccer society socialism sociology sock soda sofa soft software soil solar soldier sole solemn solid solve some somebody somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sophisticated sore sorrow sorrowful sorry sort soul sound soup sour source south southeast southwest souvenir sow space spaceship spade span spare spark sparkle speak special species specific specify specimen speculate speech speed spell spend sphere spil spin spirit spit spite splash splendid split spoil spokesman sponsor spontaneous spoon sport sportsman spot spouse spray spread spring spur spy square squeeze stable stack stadium staff stage stain stair staircase stake stale stamp stand standard standpoint staple star stare start startle starve state statesman station statistic statue status stay steady steak steal steam steel steep steer stem step stick stiff still stimulate sting stir stock stocking stomach stone stool stop store storm story stove straight straightforward strain strange strap strategy straw stream street stress stretch strict stride strike string strip stripe strive stroke strong structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject subjective submit subsequent substance substitute subtract suburb subway succeed success such suck sudden suffer sufficient sugar suggest suit suitcase sum summary summer summit sun Sunday sunlight sunrise sunset sunshine super superb superficial superior supermarket supervise supper supplement supply support suppose supreme sure surf surface surge surgery surname surplus surprise surrender surround survey survive suspect suspend suspicion sustain swalow sway swear sweat sweep sweet swell swift swim swing swipe switch sword symbol sympathy symptom system
# check-T--导入223
table tablet tackle tag tail tailor take takeoff tale talent talk tall tame tangible tank tap tape target task taste tax taxi tea teach team tear technical technique technology tedious teen teenager telecommunications telephone telescope television tell teller temper temperature temple temporary ten tend tender tennis tense tent term terminal terrible terrific territory terror test text textbook textile than thank Thanksgiving that the theater theft their theirs them theme themselves then theory therapy there thereby therefore thermometer these thesis they thick thief thin thing think third thirst thirteen thirty this thorough those though thought thousand thread threat three thrive throat through throughout throw thrust thumb thunder Thursday thus tick ticket tide tidy tie tiger tight til timber time tin tiny tip tire tissue title to toast tobacco today toe together toilet token tolerate toll tomato tomorrow ton tone tongue tonight too tool tooth top topic torch torture toss total touch tough tour toward towel tower town toy trace track tractor trade trademark tradition traffic tragedy trail train tram transaction transcript transfer transform transit translate transmit transparent transplant transport trap trash travel tray treasure treat treaty tree tremble tremendous trend trial triangle trick trifle trigger trip triple triumph trolley troop trouble trousers truck true trunk trust truth try tube Tuesday tuition tumor tune tunnel turkey turn tutor twelve twenty twice twin twist two type typewriter typical tyre
# check-U--导入52--umbrella
ugly ultimate umbrela uncertain uncle uncover under underdeveloped underestimate undergo undergraduate underground underline undermine underneath understand undertake underwear undo undoubtedly uneasy unemployed uniform union unique unit unite universe university unless until up update upgrade upload upon upper upright upset upstairs up-to-date upward urban urge urgent us usage use used usual utility utilize utmost utter
# check-V--导入59
vacant vacation vacuum vague vain valid valey value van vanish vapor various vary vast vegetable vehicle veil vendor venture verb verify version versus vertical very vessel veteran veto via victim victory video view viewpoint vigor vilage vinegar violate violent violin virtual virtue virus visa visible vision visit visual vital vitamin vivid vocabulary vocation voice volcano voleyball volt volume volunteer vote voyage vulnerable
# checkW-导入127
wage waggon waist wait wake walk wall wallet wander want war ward ware warehouse warfare warm warn warrior wary wash waste watch water waterproof watertight wave wavy wax way we weak wealth weapon wear weather weave web webcast website wed Wednesday weed week weekday weekend weep weigh weird welcome welfare well well-being well-known well-off west wet whale what wheat wheel when where whereas whether which while whip whisky whisper whistle white who whole whom whose why wide widespread widow wife wild wilderness wildlife wil wilpower win wind window wine wing winter wipe wire wise wish wit with withdraw within without withstand witness wolf woman wonder wood wool word work workforce workout workshop world worldwide worm worry worse worship worst worth worthwhile worthy would wound wrap wreck wrinkle wrist write wrong
# check-X-导入
# check-Y-导入16
yard year yell yellow yes yesterday yet yield yoga yoghurt you young youngster your yours yourself youth
# check-Z-导入
zero zone zoo zoology